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Get to Know Me Tag-Writer’s Edition

This tag was created by Savannah, but I stole it from Rebekah.

Vital Stats and Appearance

Name: Hannah

Nicknames: Growing up I was occasionally called Hannah Banana by family members, and random people would sometimes call me Hannah Montana, which I generally hated. One of my sisters has called me Hanner, which I also hated. 😉 But mostly I just get called Hannah or Mrs. Foster.

Birthday: August. Around the time when your mom says it’s time to go back to school. 😛

Hair color and length: Brown with maybe a tiny hint of red (possibly wishful thinking). When it’s all the way stretched out it is probably close to the middle of my back though on the shorter end.

Eye color: light green, or grey, or light blue, or it depends on what I’m wearing and the person looking at them.

Braces/piercings/tattoos: I had braces when I was younger, but not now. And I have my ears pierced though I don’t often wear earrings.

Righty or lefty: Left-handed

Ethnicity: American. But also, a good dose of Dutch and probably English and other things that I don’t know.


First novel written:  The first full length novel I wrote is Eden. Not published though hopefully maybe someday after a lot of work on it.

First novel completed: Same as above. Eden.

Award for writing: none.

First publication: A short story, Ella Pursued.

Conference: No writing conferences.

Query/Pitch: none.


Novel (that you wrote): It’s still in the editing stages of life, and not sure of the title yet, but right now it is going by Lost Memories.

Genre: Christian historical or classics, though I write in mostly Christian contemporary (romance).

Author: Charlotte Bronte, Anne Bronte, Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, Lori Wick, George MacDonald

Writing Music: When writing, I mostly listen to classical music. Sometimes I have done oldies music too, especially if I like the tune but don’t know the words by heart, then it’s less distracting.

Time to Write: Any time that is available. Probably more mornings, though soon it will probably be more afternoons.

Writing Snack/Drink: Water mostly, but sometimes coffee or tea or lemonade. 😉

Movie: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

Writing Memory: I don’t know that I have any particularly special memory.

Childhood Book: The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton, Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey, The Way to Captain Yankee’s by Anne Rockwell


Reading: The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins

Writing: Editing, Lost Memories.

Listening to: nothing

Watching: nothing. My husband and I recently came to the conviction we were watching too much, so we kind of have limited ourselves to watching something one day a week unless for a special reason (namely one of us is sick and needs a cozy movie to watch).

Learning: hmmmm. I’m sure there is plenty, but I don’t know what specifically.


Want To Be Published:  I have already been published, but I guess my next goal is to publish a full-length novel in which it is available in print too because so far, I have only ebooks available, and they are all short length stories or novellas.

Indie or Traditional: Indie for right now, though I do have some thoughts and hopes for a particular Christian publisher, and that is mainly because if I really want to write and make any kind of living off of it, I think I would have to go that route. I am not good at marketing my own books. And I tend to spend more than I ever make even though I spend the bare minimum.

Wildest Goal: Well, maybe what I said above. Be published by a particular Christian publisher.

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